Office hours are Monday – Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., and Thursday, 9 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Last year the clinic provided:
5,084 patient encounters
13,839 Medications Dispensed
Served 341 patients

Total Value of Services Provided: $3,264,145

Every $1 donated = $7 in Medical Services Rendered

❤2019 SC Secretary of State Mark Hammond Angel Award Recipient❤

Our Mission

The Community Medical Clinic of Aiken County is dedicated to improving the quality of life of impoverished, uninsured residents and the working poor of Aiken County by providing ongoing healthcare and guidance in a professional setting.

Our Need

According to the South Carolina Institute of Medicine and Public Health, 16.8% of South Carolinian adults are uninsured. In Aiken County, that number is even higher, clocking in at 19% of adults under the age of 65.

It’s no secret that having health insurance increases access to critically important medical care, especially when it comes to preventive services that identify and prevent chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

But not everyone is fortunate enough to have access to affordable healthcare, even with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Though the ACA has made healthcare available to millions of Americans since its passage in 2010, there are income restrictions that prevent many patients from taking advantage of these affordable plans. Many of our patients who come to seek health care from us do not meet the income requirements to access health care through the ACA.

R.I.S.E. Program:

We are currently enrolling new participants in the R.I.S.E. program.  R.I.S.E. stands for Real Independence & Self-Empowerment.  ANYONE age 18 and older that is interested in receiving the personal and career development assistance necessary to make lasting, positive change in their life, please sign up below and Orion Jeter, R.I.S.E. Program Development and Transition Director, will contact you to schedule a meeting to receive more information about how the R.I.S.E. program’s free services can help you in your journey for more and better in your life.  We will meet you where you are in life and cater our approach to serving you to your individual needs.  We look forward to meeting you in person soon.

Fill out my online form.

From our patients:

“I just wanted to let you know how much you are all appreciated for every little thing you have done for me. I know how busy you are and treating me like I am your only patient is very comforting, knowing you are just a phone call away. I was hit hard because of COVID. When I lost my job, I was not sure what I was going to do about my medical care. Through  your clinic, I was able to see a doctor and get my insulin. The medical care I received saved my life. I am able to go back to work. people who work feel better about themselves and take better care of themselves because they have a purpose in their life. You are helping people and saving lives, and I am forever grateful to each one of you.”

“I was an engineer and got laid off. I couldn’t find another job because of how old I am and because I had too much experience. I went through my savings very fast and just felt discourage. I resorted to selling things, I rented out a room in my house and even got a cheaper car to cut costs. With the clinic’s help, I got better, felt happier and more confident and was able to find a job as an engineer consultant.”

“I was on drugs for 20 years and alcohol abuse for 29 years. I got started with the Aiken Center in July 2015 and was having pains and got checked out here at the clinic. I have now been clean for four years. I’ve been raising my child through it all and we’re doing our best. I got a job at Shaw and will get benefits. I have lost four pounds in two months. Life is great. Overall it’s just great.”